Is your business going through the roof and/or do you need more storage for your files and data? Simply add Big Disk to your setup and enjoy a storage capacity of up to 20 000 GB!
What is Big Disk?
Big Disk comes in 2 types, SSD and HDD. Because of Big Disk’s scalability, it offers you the opportunity to let your projects grow with you. Saving and storing data is as easy and simple as you have been used to.
Enjoy extra safety with Ceph technology
Within cloud computing, storage has long been a challenge. Ceph, an open-source storage platform, is a game-changer in terms of data security. We use Ceph technology as a base for Big Disk.
Ceph is a scalable software-defined storage system that runs on commodity hardware and provides storage in a single self-driving, self-correcting platform with no single point of failure.
In the event of a machine failure, Ceph automatically ensures that there are enough replicas of your data at all times. And that while all data remains available.
We have 2 Ceph clusters per datacenter, connected to our hypervisors (10 Gb/s). Our Ceph clusters combined have a capacity of 2,5 petabytes, which can hold billions and billions of holiday pictures in high resolution.
Extra storage capacity for both SSD and HDD
Big Disk has an unprecedented storage capacity of up to 20,000 GB per Big Disk. You can connect 2 Big Disks to each Tilaa VPS, 1 SDD, and 1 HDD. This gives you 40 000 GB of extra storage.
HDD or SSD Big Disk?
Do you value a lower price or is speed more important to you? What you want to do with the BD will determine which Big Disk is best for you. HDD is optimized for capacity and offers disk performance up to 100 IOPS and 40MB/s.
Our HDD Big Disk is ideal for storing vast amounts of large files that don't demand a lot of throughputs and aren't used frequently. This is ideal for storing massive amounts of media files or big digital archives.
In addition to its enormous scale-upability, the SSD type Big Disk also has a very high throughput, making it ideal for video archives or periodic backups. SSD is optimized for performance and offers disk performance up to 1000 IOPS and 80MB/s.
If you're unsure how much storage you'll need, we recommend starting small. With your Tilaa personal dashboard, you can upgrade your Big Disk in no time.
Big Disk: Extra storage whenever you need it
The Big Disk starts at 2,000 GB a month for a fixed low price. You only pay for the expected capacity, so no complicated formulas are necessary to determine the total costs for the transactions or the IOPS.
With Tilaa, you can increase the total storage needed at any time. All our processes are automated and with the help of your personal dashboard, you have complete control. This allows you to increase your capacity with only a few clicks, right when you need it.