As you may be aware, CentOS 8 as we know it will be decommissioned in 2021. CentOS 7 will be supported until 2024. Rocky Linux and AlmaLinux were developed as alternatives. Do you want to migrate? These migration scripts will undoubtedly come in handy.
Migration from CentOS to AlmaLinux
When Red Hat announced that it was shifting focus from CentOS Linux to CentOS Stream, it created a void for many developers all over the world. CloudLinux developers decided to build AlmaLinux 8. This is a clone of CenOS 8 and it’s a 1:1 compatible fork of RHEL.
💡 Take a snapshot of your VPS so that you can fall back on your previous installation in case of any problems.
1. Connect with your
VPS (preferably via your dashboard)
2. Download the AlmaLinux migration script
As always, make sure to check the downloaded file before running it.
curl -O https://raw.githubusercontent.com/AlmaLinux/almalinux-deploy/master/almalinux-deploy.sh
3. To execute, use the following command
chmod +x almalinux-deploy.sh
3. Wait for the installation to complete
If the installation went well you should see:
Migration to AlmaLinux is completed
4. Check with command line
cat /etc/redhat-release
grubby --info DEFAULT | grep AlmaLinux
If no problems were found, you will see AlmaLinux and the corresponding version number in the results of both commands.
Migration from CentOS to Rocky Linux
Rocky Linux intends to act as a downstream build, similar to CentOS, creating updates after they have been added by the upstream distributor, rather than before. It is an open enterprise community operating system.
"This script expects the original repository configuration being present, as well as enabled (i.e. for CentOS the baseos repo configuration in the /etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-Linux-BaseOS.repo file has to be present and enabled). Also make sure that there are no other repositories which could interfere with the original configuration."
A note from Rocky Linux
💡 Take a snapshot of your VPS so that you can fall back on your previous installation in case of any problems.
1. Connect with your VPS (preferably via your dashboard)
2. Download the Rocky Linux migration script
As always, make sure to check the downloaded file before running it.
curl -O https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rocky-linux/rocky-tools/main/migrate2rocky/migrate2rocky.sh
3. To execute, use the following commands
chmod +x migrate2rocky.sh
4. Wait for the installation to complete
If the installation went well you should see:
Done, please reboot your system.
A log of this installation can be found at /var/log/migrate2rocky.log
Are you ready for migrating?
The steps outlined above should be sufficient for a successful migration. You may, however, still have questions or require additional information. Please contact our support heroes in this case. They are happy to help!
Are you looking for a new VPS running AlmaLinux or Rocky Linux? Then head over directly to our configurator and put together your preferred setup yourself.