The Tilaa spirit

With a young, innovative team of bright minds and passionate engineers, we go the extra mile together every day. For our users and for each other.

Being part of Tilaa
Go above and beyond

At Tilaa, we believe that everyone should have the opportunity to learn, grow, and seize opportunities. We create space, for growth, development and collaboration.

We're not the type to pretend that everything is perfect, but we do make an honest and genuine effort to be a great place to work.

We want to make the most of both our work and ourselves! In our opinion, space at Tilaa means being a part of an incredibly motivated team that is willing to go above and beyond for top results.

Join team Tilaa

You ain't seen
nothing yet

Your computer is the tool of your trade and your desk and chair the workstation. We’ll make sure you are well equipped. Still missing something? Let us know and – we’ll do whatever we can to make you comfortable.

At Tilaa, you wear what you are comfortable in. And we are happy to assist you with our very own merch. Bag, sweater, sunglasses, or whatever you require: we've got quality merch for all our Troopers.

We grow together

It is in our best interests to keep you going, motivated, and educated. As a result, everyone has access to Goodhabitz and a Personal Development Plan. Each year, you begin by writing down what you want to learn, what you want to improve on, and how you intend to do so. Together, we can set a path to achieve our objectives together.

Big plus: Have you discovered an exciting course? Do you have a ticket to a seminar given by some obscure IT hero? Take a chance! We have a yearly budget of € 2.000,- for personal development activities that you can use.

Join the fun!

Never a dull moment at Tilaa! 🎉 Stepping away from our to-do's and having fun together is how we let our team spirit flow.

Enjoy great home made lunches, kroketten vrijdag, the monthly Super Trooper events, our annual Tilaa Tournament pub quiz and involve yourself in our quarterly Business Updates. There's no way around it - at Tilaa, you are part of the vibe.

Leisure room

Challenge your fellow Trooper to a table tennis match 🏓 , go for a swing to clear your mind or relax in our ball pit. Our Leisure room is the perfect break from your screen.


Refreshing drinks
& homemade brews 

What do you prefer during the day? An ice cold soda, fresh tea or cappuccino? Those who work hard, eat good food. At lunchtime all Tilaa Troopers creep out of their hide-outs and gather at the kitchen. Every day we lunch together, and on Friday you can enjoy our Kroketten vrijdag, by the kroketman himself.

Everything is available in our jungle kitchen, which serves as the workplace's center point. Take some time for yourself and relax at our bar with your colleagues. We promise it changes the tone of the conversations at the coffee machine. 

Referral bonus 💰

It's possible you used to play hide and seek in your schoolyard with a fantastic developer or controller. Or perhaps you parted ways with a former work bestie.

Tilaa works with referral bonuses. This means that if you can recommend a suitable candidate, you will be eligible for a bonus. Remember that the knife cuts both ways: we have extra manpower, and you have a new pleasant colleague.

Join team Tilaa

The world is yours
So get out there

Need a day off or planning to book an all-inclusive hotel in Mexico? 🍹 All Troopers have a 25-day annual leave allowance. We encourage you to use these days to clear your mind and recharge. 

Thinking of visiting family who is living abroad while working remotely? You can chat with your manager about making it happen.

Get started with
Tilaa Cloud 

We don't say "practice what you preach" in the workplace for nothing. In our case, that applies to Cloud Compute. That is why all our employees are free to use our offered services free of charge. From Cloud VPS to storage.




Can't wait to join Tilaa? 🚀

Check out our open positions and hopefully we'll meet you soon